Thursday, December 3, 2009

This I Believe About Digital Jouralism

The world, in which we live in now, is constantly involving technology. From computers, Internet, medical equipment, and the machines that make the medical equipment.

So much of what we, as Americans, read and learn can be found on the Internet. One can find recipes, research topics, the news, the dictionary and thesaurus, diagrams, and books are even published on the Internet. The Internet is a way of communication for many, with the rise of popular social-networking sites such as, Facebook or MySpace. It is also a way of communication with e-mail.

The Internet is useful and helpful to so many, as most bill companies, now have moved an option of payment to online. Customers who opt. for online bill payment also have the option to receive their statements online verses getting them mailed to them via the postal service. They also are able to have the payments automatically taken from their checking accounts monthly to avoid the hassle of remembering each month or receiving a bill.

Dr. Tracy discussed in her essay “The Evolution of the Newspaper of the Future” the idea of “computer-mediated communications (CMC)”. She describes CMC as “another way of technologizing the world.” Dr. Tracy explains the evolution of technology:

“While many squawk in alarm and anxiety, the millions of people using the Internet illustrate that society is now ready for this next stage in the evolution of communication. In fact, computer mediated communication may return to human exchanges what the process of writing removed.”

This is a prime example of what is happening now with the idea of communication being done on the Internet. Most of the newspapers across America are now resorting to online publications. Some of the major newspapers are cutting days of print, as more and more people are viewing the newspaper online.

So much communication from people is done through the Internet. People don’t send out hand-written letters anymore, as they send e-mails. Several businesses are now resorting to e-mail as their major form of communication verses meeting with the person to discuss the issues at hand.

However, as Sir Timothy Berners-Lee discusses in his Testimony “Digital Future of the United States: Part I—The Future of the World Wide Web”, the Internet is not complete. Lee discusses that the Internet has just passed it’s decade use world-wide, there is so much more to be learned.

Lee discusses the Web and what the Web relies on:

“The Web, and everything which happens on it, rest on two things: technological protocols, and social conventions. The technological protocols, like HTTP and HTML, determine how computers interact. Social conventions, such as the incentive to make links to valuable resources, or the rules of engagement in a social networking web site, are about how people like to, and are allowed to, interact.”

We have already seen the rise in the popular social networking websites, and more and more is being updated and involved with the websites. Games, and other forms of communication is being added to the social networking websites.

The digital world in which we live in is growing and changing each and every day. We have made large advancements from when the Internet has started. More and more of what we do will be incorporated with the digital world.

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