Thursday, October 15, 2009

Teacher's Lives Public?

A recent poll done on was, does the public feel that parents should know what teachers are doing in their personal life? On Oct. 15, around 10 p.m. the latest was 19% say "yes" and 81% say "no".

This poll was taken in efforts of a story that broke out on Thursday evening about a local teacher. Photo's were found that were inappropriate. The picture was taken at a residence and off the clock.

This topic can go either way, the teacher was off campus and this didn't affect her teaching abilities and she is still the same teachers that the students go to each weekday.

On the other hand, she is a roll model for her students and her actions should have consequences.

What happened at the party was her own business. If we start judging people, not just teachers, but in every employment, there will be a lot more photo's found. We can't exactly judge people's employment on their weekend activities.

Several years ago, when MySpace and Facebook started taking off in the social networking world, several students at Jackson Community College were told to be careful on what you put on Facebook and MySpace. The reason being, potential future employers will be looking at your page.

The main problem with this is that what about those who have outstanding recommendations and excellent work history, will they not get a job because there was a picture of themselves on their Facebook page holding a beer with a group of friends? This picture could have been taken on a weekend and it isn't affecting her work history.

How is pictures that happened any of their business? What causes people to judge on one mistake that was made or one prank a friend made out of our control or one get together? Can we judge a person with just one photo? Can we make the decision of "they could be a potentially bad person because of this [these] photos." I think putting all social networking pages aside, the person may be a excellent candidate for the position and shouldn't be judged on what happened.

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